Impermissible Declaration

The informations and some documents on this website may lose one’s topicality. Our directorate does not make any commitment to update the informations. Some documents contain  forward- looking views and estimated figures. These reflect views on the future and contains certain assumptions. However, due to the developments in the variables that make up the forward-looking views and estimated figures, the realizations may be different.

Our Directorate does not give any commitment or guarantee that the informations and documents published on the website can not be used by the parties for any purpose. Our directorate does not accept any responsibility for any loss or damage that may arise in the use of the website due to incomplete or incorrect information and delays. Unless permission is obtained from our Directorate, no logo or information that we own the right can be used by the parties for any other purpose.

This website has been prepared for only informational purposes. Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality or Directors or Employees of our directorate are not responsible for any damages arising from the use of the website and its content.